The Agency for Foreign Investments and Export Promotion of RSM held a working meeting with representatives of municipalities and companies from the Pelagonija planning region, where it presented the initiative for their active engagement in order to provide new opportunities for interested investors and speed up the procedures for implementation of new investments.
Director Pavleski asked the representatives of the local self-government to review their plans and to identify locations that can be offered to interested investors for Greenfield investments.
Additionally, he called on the businessmen who have unused facilities to offer them to the Agency, which will offer them to interested investors who are looking for locations and opportunities for brownfield investments.

The agency offered to act as a facilitator of the processes and interactions of the municipalities with other state institutions to accelerate the receipt of all necessary approvals for investors.
The businessmen were also presented with the opportunities offered by the portals developed by the agency where three key benefits are offered. A portal that enables foreign investors to find, get in touch and provide domestic suppliers, a portal for presentation of the export offer of Macedonian companies and a portal for brownfield investments where interested investors can find and apply for a specific available locations.
The presentation also presented the measures for advancing the industrial policy and for encouraging the investments offered through the Law on Financial Support of Investments.
The Agency for Foreign Investments initiates the involvement of municipalities and local businesses in the process of attracting new investments by using their investment potential